The deadline is quickly approaching for submissions to the Missouri Bicentennial Poster Contest, which is open to students in grades 3 through 12. The last day to submit posters is October 31. So far posters have been submitted from Barton, McDonald, Moniteau, and St. Louis counties. Will your county help shape the legacy of Missouri’s Bicentennial as a memorable image to represent this historic commemoration?
The Missouri Bicentennial Commission launched the poster contest on April 9, seeking poster designs that interpret the theme, “Sharing Missouri’s stories: past, present, and future.” Following a judging period, four designs will be selected that best interpret the contest theme to represent the bicentennial in 2021 and for years to come.
Rather than asking only students to participate, the Commission seeks institutions and organizations to assist in the project by sponsoring student entries. Eligible sponsors include public and private schools, home-school networks, non-profit arts agencies, cultural heritage and educational institutions, and public libraries. If you or someone you know is a member of an eligible institution, we encourage you to find a few students that you can sponsor this historic project. We are excited to see participation by creative students from every corner of Missouri.
The Missouri Bicentennial Commission is partnering with Hallmark Creative Marketing Studio to translate the chosen designs into final poster artwork. For a full list of guidelines, judging, and submission information click the link below.
Missouri Bicentennial Poster Contest
Examples of Posters Submitted for the 3rd to 6th Grade Group:
The Wide Missouri, designed by Kitty S. and sponsored by Barton County 4-H.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, designed by Kaitlyn L. and sponsored by Mary Queen of Peace Parish and School in St. Louis County
Missouri, designed by Alee S. and Sponsored by Barton County 4-H and Show Me Missouri
To learn more about projects and events that are part of the Missouri Bicentennial and ways to get involved, check out their website here.