Unable to make the live presentation of “Make Art Night” October 2 at 6:30 p.m.? Not to worry. The archived edition will be available here.
Artwork by Charlotte Davis, 11th grade, Timberland High School
Instructor: Ms. Crystal Wing
Featured in Youth Art Month 2020 Senate Art Exhibit
District 12 Senator Onder
Description: Come join us for an evening of art making TAB-style. To prep, the subject matter will be a mystery (not disclosed) and the media will be any media of your choice (watercolor, pen & ink, acrylic, yarn, etc.). While you are making art, Jessie Bayless will share her ideas on how to create a successful paint n’ sip fundraiser for your school or other organizations. Tips on time constraints, creating examples, how/what to charge, music to play and locations for the events will be discussed. We can also just hang and talk while we make art!
Presentation Type: Best Practice, All Art Educators
Presenters: Elementary Rep, Jessie Bayless and D5 Rep, Rosemary Ziegler
Elementary@maea.net, District5@maea.net